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Langton Church

The present church, sitting at the highest point of the village, was built in 1872 and replaced a church on the same site which was in use from 1798.

 Previously the church was called St Cuthbert’s and was situated on the Langton estate just across the adjacent Greenlaw to Duns road, hence the name Langton.  The congregation is known as Langton and Lammermuir Kirk and is a union of five parishes.  In 1950 Langton united with the nearby parish of Polwarth.  In 1983 Langton and Polwarth linked with the Kirk of Lammermuir [the newly united parishes of Abbey St Bathans, Cranshaws and Longformacus].

In 2006 the two parts of the linkage united and in 2008 changed their name to Langton and Lammermuir Kirk.  Four of the five churches are still in regular use in Abbey St Bathans, Cranshaws, Gavinton and Longformacus.  All are worth a visit, with interesting artefacts to see, and all have new information leaflets giving the history of the building and all have worksheets for children to do as they learn about the churches too.  All except Langton Church in Gavinton are open at all times; access to Gavinton may be arranged with Helen Longmuir, Viewfield, South Street [opposite the village hall] 01361 882728.

The timber for the pews, roof and panelling of Langton Church is from the Langton Estate.  The baptismal font is made from wood which originally surrounded the communion table; the baptismal bowl was given in 1813 by Miss Elizabeth Gavin [later Lady Pringle] of Langton House and the five embroidered chairs came from Langton House before it was demolished.  There is a plaque in the church given by the men of HMS Gavinton – a minesweeper which was in service from 1953 – 1991 – at Christmas each year the Woman’s Guild send food to the crew. There can also be seen a 17th century mort bell which would have been rung at the head of a funeral procession.

In October 2103, the Langton and Lammernuir Kirk held a flower festival on the theme of creation, transforming the church in Gavinton into a series of tableaux representing the stages in the biblical story of the creation. Visitors entered the church through a doorway shrouded in darkness, emerging into a splendid scene where the sun, moon and stars gazed down on rocks, water, birds, fish, animals, plants all displayed among a dazzling array of flowers. After their tour, visitors were entertained to tea and home baking in the church hall. A lot of skill and effort by the members of the congregation gave many folk an enjoyable experience and a much-needed boost to church funds.


Check the current schedule of church services here, usually the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 09.45 amWhen there is a fifth Sunday, the service is held in Duns parish church at 11.00 am.

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