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Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund

The Blackhill windfarm became operational in February 2007 and comprises 22 turbines with a capacity of 28.6MW.  It is located to the North West of Duns and South of Longformacus in Mid Berwickshire

The fund covers four Community Councils, including ours, with each represented on the board of directors

The fund offers two levels of grant:

  • small grants under £1k
  • large grants between £1k and £15k

More information and application forms are available from the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund website

Use the ONLINE application form to upload the completed form and required documents directly to the website. You will also need to post a signed and dated first page only to the fund administrator

OR use the PDF application form, and email the completed form and other required documents to the fund administrator. You will also need to post the first page (see above)

Completed projects are listed here, including support for the Community Cinema Gavinton in 2014

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