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Harvest time

Hay bales for collection

Harvest time

Combine at work


An autumn walk through the grounds

Snowy Scene

Cold winter’s day

Winter Evening

View south across the Merse

Spring time

Cherry blossom


A summer fete on the village green

Fogo Kirk

A peaceful and picturesque spot

Langton Church

The view from the graveyard

Hule Moss Lochs

View west across Greenlaw Moor

Polwarth Kirk

The kirk in midwinter


Signs of spring

Cheviot view

Misty view of the Cheviots

Dirrington Laws

View north towards the Lammermuirs

Community Cinema Film Schedule: here

Welcome to the community website

You can use the menus at the top of the page to explore our website and read about:
[tap blue text throughout the website for links to more information]

Follow our Community’s FaceBook page to keep up with what’s going on locally

Upcoming events (the Village Hall is open and available for bookings)

Recent news

Items of interest

Submit photos, maps and notes on anything of interest by email to the community website.

The next Community Council Meeting will be on 11th November 2024 at 7pm

This meeting will be held in Gavinton Village Hall
Residents from our area are welcome to attend the meeting
Dates of future meetings are found here

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