The Community Cinema at Gavinton is now in its fifth year and has gained a reputation for the quality of its permanent and professionally installed full HD projection system, which ensures a great cinematic experience, housed within the very comfortable Gavinton Village Hall!
The idea of Community Cinema Gavinton is to bring cinema into an area which is predominantly rural. It is run by a group of Volunteers who believe in providing the full cinema experience to the people of Gavinton and surrounding villages without the expense and inconvenience of travelling elsewhere.
Our aim is to screen a broad range of films from U rated to 18 rated, incorporating children’s films, family films, animations, classic, world cinema and serious dramas. We try to provide something each season for everyone and are always prepared to listen to your ideas and suggestions. The films usually result in discussion of some kind afterwards, which we like to encourage. To this end, tables are set up with a selection of nibbles, and audiences are invited to bring their own bottle, making it more of a social occasion. (There is ice-cream and some soft drinks available).
Screenings are scheduled, in the main, on the first Saturday, second Sunday (Matinee ) and third Thursday of the month and subscribers receive advance notice of these in a Newsletter.
Screening Licence restrictions prevent the use of advertising or charging of admission fees, for the most part. However, by joining the e-mail list, you automatically become eligible to receive details of forthcoming films and events. The opportunity to join is simple….just email with your name, email address and confirmation that you are over 18. These details are held solely for the purpose of sending you monthly Newsletters and information regarding film-related events in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
You can unsubscribe at any time, by email, to
As Community Cinema Gavinton is a non-profit making venture, all costs are covered by donations at each event.
At the heart of the Community Cinema enterprise, is the bringing together of communities within the local area. Join us and help to make the most of this fantastic facility. For more information, please contact Community Cinema Gavinton on
Forthcoming screenings will be listed in the Calendar of Events and on the Community Council Facebook page
All news items relating to the Community Cinema are here
Funding for the Community Cinema was provided by Awards for All Scotland and the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund

The idea of Community Cinema Gavinton is to bring cinema into an area which is predominantly rural. It is run by a group of Volunteers who believe in providing the full cinema experience to the people of Gavinton and surrounding villages without the expense and inconvenience of travelling elsewhere.
Our aim is to screen a broad range of films from U rated to 18 rated, incorporating children’s films, family films, animations, classic, world cinema and serious dramas. We try to provide something each season for everyone and are always prepared to listen to your ideas and suggestions. The films usually result in discussion of some kind afterwards, which we like to encourage. To this end, tables are set up with a selection of nibbles, and audiences are invited to bring their own bottle, making it more of a social occasion. (There is ice-cream and some soft drinks available).
Screenings are scheduled, in the main, on the first Saturday, second Sunday (Matinee ) and third Thursday of the month and subscribers receive advance notice of these in a Newsletter.
Screening Licence restrictions prevent the use of advertising or charging of admission fees, for the most part. However, by joining the e-mail list, you automatically become eligible to receive details of forthcoming films and events. The opportunity to join is simple….just email with your name, email address and confirmation that you are over 18. These details are held solely for the purpose of sending you monthly Newsletters and information regarding film-related events in compliance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
You can unsubscribe at any time, by email, to
As Community Cinema Gavinton is a non-profit making venture, all costs are covered by donations at each event.
At the heart of the Community Cinema enterprise, is the bringing together of communities within the local area. Join us and help to make the most of this fantastic facility. For more information, please contact Community Cinema Gavinton on
Forthcoming screenings will be listed in the Calendar of Events and on the Community Council Facebook page
All news items relating to the Community Cinema are here
Funding for the Community Cinema was provided by Awards for All Scotland and the Blackhill Windfarm Community Fund