Erection of 54 dwelling houses and associated infrastructure
Land South of The Old Manse, Gavinton
This significant development in Gavinton was approved by SBC in April 2015. Full information is available on the SBC planning portal, with selected items shown below
- application 13/00332/FUL
site description, consultation responses (including GFPCC, note below), and site plan - decision (approved)
meeting of Planning and Building Standards Committee on 27 April 2015 (item 4)
- planning approval
reason for decision and schedule of conditions
- planning approval
(extract from planning application)
It is proposed to erect 54 dwelling houses with associated roads, footways, landscaping and amenity spaces. The proposed housing consists of a mixture of house types including single, one and a half storey and two storey scales. The western junction into Gavinton from the A6105 is to be upgraded as a result of this proposal. |
(extract from planning approval)
The proposal is considered to provide an attractive and sensitive form of development, which is respectful of the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and its setting within the wider landscape. Notwithstanding the increase in the number of units above the indicative capacity outlined in the Local Plan, the design and layout of the proposed residential development is considered to make the proposal acceptable in terms of house numbers, layout, design and landscaping. The proposal is compatible with the character of the surrounding area, neighbouring uses and neighbouring built form and accords with development plan policy, and supplementary planning guidance. It also assists the Council in meeting targets for securing the development of new and affordable homes. |
Note: The minutes of the GFPCC meeting on 3 November 2014 include the committee’s formal response to SBC on this development (item 6 and appendix)