Again we have had a successful year of fundraising events, cinema and social get-togethers to promote community involvement and enjoyment although we have had to say good bye to some very valuable community members. Barry returned to his home town of Bolton for a well deserved retirement and a party was given to mark our thanks. Helen Longmuir left the village and it was with sadness we received the news of her death after a brave fight with her illness, she will always be remembered for her friendliness and dedication to our community.
Reivers night was a great success, the weather was kind, and we had the usual stalls and events, with a huge attendance on the Green. It was a huge money-spinner but we could not achieve this without volunteers on the day. I take this opportunity to appeal for help again during the day to erect the marquees and stalls and to help man them in the evening.
Another very successful event was this year’s pantomime “Robina Hood” written by our own Lesley. We had our usual large attendances, an event not to miss. A huge vote of thanks must go to Pat, Lesley and Co. as well as the youthful cast who give up a great deal of time and energy to make it a success.
Prior to Christmas an afternoon tea was provided for our senior citizens and a successful kids Christmas party was held and thanks to Rachel and Amanda for organising that event. We also had a visit from Santa for the benefit of the children.
In January we had our usual Burns supper which was again very successful and well attended; thanks go to Rev. Bill Paterson for arranging the programme and Andrea and Co. for the food and service.
Lastly I turn to the big event from last year the installation of Gavinton cinema funded by the Blackhill Wind Farm Fund and Awards For All Scotland which provided us with the “state of the art” equipment. Our introductory film was “Frozen”. Since then we have shown twenty three films up to the end of April. Unfortunately due to technical problems we were unable to show films from September until the 18th October. Up to now we have been screening films with a Single Title Licence, which means we can advertise and charge admission. It also means we can show some films before the come out on DVD, we intend to continue this licence for June and July and our new season starts in September. With this license we need to get a good attendance to cover the fee. We have recently purchased a Public Video Screening Licence, which allows us to show more films (from the extensive Filmbank archives only), and hopefully screen classic films and all time favourites. The Community Cinema is also a member of Cinema for All and Film Hub Scotland.
Having our sophisticated equipment has opened up the hall to stage various events. We had a successful showing of the Angel’s Share” with a stovies supper; the SWI watched the film “The Bondagers”; we had the premier of John McEwen’s play “What am I Like” to name a few. Using the facility of power point the Community Council have held meetings for the public on important local issues such as the new housing development and new wind farm sites.
In conclusion we would like to thank all those who have attended, supported and helped at our functions and anyone who would like to be involved come forward and keep our community alive. I personally would like to thank all the members of our committees for their continued support
You’ll find full details of all events in the Events Calendar.
Ellen Curran, the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee